Why AgDefense?

We are thrilled you’re here looking into us! No, really. We get excited when people check us out. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram… wherever you saw us! Regardless of how you ended up at our website, we’re glad to have you asking questions about AgDefense, or insurance in general. 

Your question may be, “I’m not in agriculture, I don’t even own a pair of boots and I hate the dirt - so why would this be a good fit?” If that’s you, read this next paragraph below. If you’ve got boots covered in mud and, uh, other organic matter, skip on down aways.. 

First of all, good question. We are a group of independent agents who all got our start in the Ag industry. As our team grew, we knew that the unique approach we use for helping our producers with their crop and livestock insurance would be a great fit for any area of risk management: our holistic approach can apply to all folks from all walks of life! And doesn’t everyone want to have someone they trust help navigate the complicated world of insurance? Who wouldn’t?! That’s exactly what we aim to do: take your concerns and goals for the future and build a custom-fit risk management strategy that will take the worry of the unknown completely out of your life. And secondly, you should get some boots - everyone needs a great pair of boots! Great boots are a gateway into country livin’. Soon you’ll be sippin’ sweet tea from your porch!

If you ARE in agriculture, you may be wondering what makes us different from any other insurance agency. Well, simply put, it’s our approach. We aren’t in competition with your current crop insurance agent (if you have one). We aim to educate and advise, above all else. We stay current on federal policy so you don’t miss a thing, we know how crop programs interact with FSA programs and make sure your insurances work accordingly, and we want to create a safety net for you that has zero holes. Well, besides the holes that nets are supposed to have. Which are many. Not sure why that metaphor is used? “Safety net with no holes.” Pfft. Maybe we change the metaphor to a water tank - those aren’t supposed to have holes! Anyway, check us out. For free. Because your time is valuable, and we don’t have a doubt in the world that you’ll be glad you did. 

 Feel free to make contact with one of the agents below, or contact our office for more information.

Our Team


Shari Holloway

Chattanooga, Oklahoma 





Beth Haff



Sandra Moore



Chris Cole

Catoosa, Oklahoma

918.266.3133 office  

918.645.6778 cell




Davey Jones


Kyra Bentley

Zach Harless

Randy Holley

Eric & Mykal Jordan

Valliant, Oklahoma

580.306.3177 (Eric)

580.212.2353 (Mykal)


Jeremy Kinder


Kenny McGuire

Joe Nichols


Blade Siegfried

Alex Thain


Justin Woodruff