
Chris Cole

Catoosa, Oklahoma 

918.266.3133 office  

918.645.6778 cell



As a great-grandson of southwest Oklahoma pioneer farmers and ranchers, Chris’ roots run deep in both production and professional agriculture. After finishing an undergraduate degree in Agronomy, he worked for OSU Extension for a couple of years and then left for a 30 year stint in the ag chemical business, working in field development for BASF and FMC Corp. as well as managing farms and ranches held in trust by Fort Worth's largest bank, keeping him closely involved in the managerial side of the business which ultimately led to the purchase of a two-location John Deere dealership in Oklahoma. 

Contacts through that business led him into the retail farm store and business development business in Northwest Arkansas where he became acquainted with one of the owners of AgDefense Risk Management and, after acquiring an insurance agency in the greater Tulsa area, qualified and contracted with AgDefense to work the crop insurance and health matching account markets. 

Blessed with two great children, their spouses, and now seven grandchildren, most of his time is spent running an insurance agency, mowing the yard, and carrying all those little ones piggyback. He is active in his local church and Chamber of Commerce. Chris enjoys being outside and staying busy.